Multiple Intelligence Test

What is DMIT Test?

Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test (DMIT)

Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test is its full name. It is a scientific investigation of how fingerprints and brain lobes are related. Understanding one’s individual inborn potential and personality will be made easier by this. Medical professionals and scientist Dr. Howard Gardner have long established the DMIT Test Method. DMIT analysis will be based on multiple intelligence theory and neuroscientific research. Discover your strengths and weaknesses with the DMIT Test Report based on a brain analysis and dermatoglyphics.

DMIT Test For Children

Age Group 3 to 10 years

Identify your child's natural talent. Decide which learning style is ideal for your child. Choose your activities depending on your natural abilities. Determine the multiple intelligences of your child. strengthen the bond between parents and kids.

DMIT Test For Students

Age Group 11 to 17 years

Know your IQ, EQ, AQ, CQ, and SQ Personal Quotients. Be aware of your analytical and creative talents. Recognize your inherent talent. Discover your preferred learning style using the three senses of sight, sound, and touch.

DMIT for Career Guidance

Age Group 16 years and above

Be aware of your personality type. cultivate your key competencies. Know your different intelligences. Based on MI Theory, be aware of your strengths and weaknesses. Choose the most appropriate leadership and learning traits.

DMIT Test For Adults

Age Group 25 and Above

Recognize your buried talents. Boost your connections with family members. Improve your communication skills to better understand. Recognize your personal values and traits. Boost your familial connections.

DMIT Test For Employees

Corporates Human Resource

Discover the ideal Person for the ideal Position. Pre-Employment Checks. Know your employee's IQ, AQ, EQ, SQ, and CQ potentials. Learn about the qualities of leadership, planning, and execution.

DMIT for Career Guidance

School, College and Institutions

Determine the natural abilities and shortcomings of your students. Recognize the innate character traits of students and develop multimodal teaching strategies. Address the many learning demands and learning styles of your students.

Be a winner by using the DMIT Test to identify your innate talent

Theory of Multiple Intelligence Test

All humans possess all Multiple intelligence in ranging amounts. Each individual has a different sort of intellectual composition. We all can improve education and learning style by addressing 9 multiple intelligences of our students. These multiple intelligence are centered at different parts of the brain Lobes. Intelligence may either work individually or together depends on ability. All these intelligence will define the human personality type.

9 Multiple Intelligences Test

  • Logical Intelligence (Reasoning Smart)
  • Linguistic Intelligence (Word Smart)
  • Musical Intelligence (Musical Smart)
  • Naturalist Intelligence (Nature Smart)
  • Existential Intelligence (Phil Smart)
  • Intrapersonal Intelligence (Self Smart)
  • Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence (Body Smart)
  • Interpersonal Intelligence (People Smart)
  • Spatial Intelligence (Picture Smart)